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Zero liquid discharge System (ZLD)

Considering the present scenario of water scarcity water recycling is a must for the industry. Prophylactic aqua is the leading company in Mumbai to give sustainable solution for the zero liquid discharge system.

Our Special design process consider

  • Designing
    • Raw effluent analysis
    • Treatability
    • Understanding the end use of water
    • Selection of scheme
    • Selection proper material of construction
  • Use of best available technology
    • Use of technology like Dissolve air floatation (DAF), ultrafiltration, Nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, Membrane bioreactor(MBR), Electrodialysis Reversal(EDR) and many more at best place in the scheme to maximise the recovery of wastewater.
  • Maximise the recovery of water
    • Multi-effect evaporator is high capital & operational cost, because of this, it is very important to minimise the volume of water before multi-effect evaporator by using membrane separation and precipitation process. We can have the option to recycle most of the water by the process like Reverse osmosis with Spiral wound membrane, DISC RO (For high TDS water), Electrodialysis Reversal (EDR) to minimize the cost. Our special design can give the highest recovery of the wastewater up to 97-99% (It can vary based on inlet concentration) with lower operating cost as compared to other technology available in the market.