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Nanofiltration plant

Nanofiltration plant is the recent development in the membrane filtration. Nanofiltration has filtration range in-between ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis membrane. It retains divalent & trivalent ions based on their molecular weight and gives partial permeation to monovalent ion. Because of this earlier, it started to use for softening plant to remove hardness from water. It required less pressure to operate because of this, it is also called as low-pressure reverse osmosis. Nowadays we can make use of Nanofiltration in a better way for water recovery, resource recovery and many more. Prophylactic aqua is the leading company to provide a better design of Nanofiltration plant. We can make use of Nanofiltration in zero liquid discharge plant to increase the recovery of water and lower the operating cost.

Applications Area

  • Process water treatment.
  • Boiler feed water treatment.
  • Wastewater recycle.
  • Softening plant.