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Process water

As per industry standard, every industry required a specific quality parameter of water in spite of different available sources, for that we will have to ensure the treatment scheme for water treatment.
Different industry sector required a different scheme of water, it is very important to treat water to avoid any damage or harm to process section or utility section. I.e. if water is having hardness value in excess then there are chances of deposition inside the pipe, reactor, process equipment & major problem for boiler tubes and it reduces inner diameter of the tube which leads to excess pressure and loss of heat transfer area.
Prophylactic aqua is a leading company to provide treatment of water to serve the purpose of process & production industry. We deal with the process water required for Pharmaceutical, chemical, Food & beverages, Breweries and many more.

  • Process water treatment.
  • Utility water treatment .
  • Boiler feed water.
  • Package drinking water.
  • Cooling tower water.
  • Chemical preparation .

Treatment processes:

  • Settling.
  • Filtration.
  • Ion exchange.
  • Membrane separation.
  • Disinfection.